8 Out of The Box Healthcare App Ideas for Development

8 Out of The Box Healthcare App Ideas for Development


The healthcare industry has greatly benefited from integrating SaaS services in the last decade. The introduction of mHealth has significantly impacted millions worldwide by providing healthcare services on mobile devices. Health services will employ more than 40% of healthcare professionals in the coming years.

Moreover, healthcare apps can be used for any demographic; from veterinary to physiology, every healthcare sector can benefit from the integration of an application based on said industry. This can significantly save patients’ costs and doctor’s time by addressing minor issues without the need for a doctor’s visit.

In 2022, healthcare apps dominated the mHealth industry with more than 85% market share. This was even more than the measly 13 percent garnered by wearable devices. Today, wearables’ accuracy in tracking certain healthcare factors remains somewhat inaccurate, contributing to this trend. Plus, most wearables that are good at measurements are very expensive.

Top Healthcare App Development Ideas

Appointments & Consultation App

Doctor consultation applications are super easy to create and maintain, moreover, both participating entities ie the doctor and the patient can save a ton of resources by consulting virtually for smaller issues. A virtual connection between doctors and patients can reduce resource waste, such as time and equipment. Moreover, an appointment app can help patients set appointments with their doctors at any given time. Developers can create an app for even applying for medical emergencies and book hospital rooms from the application only. 

Medical Records App

Medical records management is tedious, especially as you grow older. Creating an application where you can store multiple medical records could be a game-changer. Additionally, incorporating separate sections for family members’ records and cloud service integration can simplify medical record management.

Healthcare Tracking App

Developers can create healthcare monitoring applications to keep track of chronic illnesses such as Parkinson’s, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, etc. If you want to build a feature-rich application, you can also integrate features like sleep tracking, heart rate tracking, medicine reminders, etc to refine the user experience. An overall health-tracking application can be a game changer if done the right way, and the possibilities are endless. 

On-Demand Aid App

The mHealth industry can integrate on-demand medical aid as an application. Moreover, there have been instances when people have needed a doctor physically but did not need them so badly that they would have to visit a hospital, and house-visiting doctors do exist, so building an on-demand aid application where a house doctor can be called on demand is a great potential idea. 

App for Mental Health 

In this day and age where mental health is constantly overlooked and depression rates are at an all-time high, building an app for mental health wellness is more of a need, but it still has not been executed perfectly. Mental well-being is crucial for living a content life; most people don’t have the time or money to go to a therapist. A mental well-being application can have features like mind activities, blogs on self-help, on-demand virtual assistance, community forums, etc. These features can greatly help a large number of people dealing with stressful lives. 

Diet Tracking Application

A diet-tracking application is another great idea for developers. People who are constantly in pursuit of a healthier lifestyle cannot seem to grab a hold on what should be the perfect diet for them, and they end up with a lot of deficiencies. A diet monitoring application can also have on-demand dieticians, a space to suggest recipes, workout plans, food product details, etc all of which would be a great help for fast-moving people who do not have the time or resources to approach an actual dietician. 

Health Insurance App

Health insurance is a super important part of every adult’s lifestyle, especially at a time when healthcare is obscenely expensive and unaffordable for millions. A lot of third-world countries have residents who are not informed about the importance of a proper health insurance plan, and this leads to devastating results for the country economically as well as in terms of its citizens. An application for the option to compare and buy health insurance plans from various providers would be a really good idea. You can also add in other features like the ability to claim insurance, extend or renew insurance, and alter insurance. 

Pet Health App

An all-in-one pet health application could be a game changer if done the right way. Millions of pet owners could benefit from an application where they could read about their pet’s needs, and illnesses, demand a vet doctor, order prescription medicines, discuss in a community forum, etc. A lot of owners have felt that the existing applications are lackluster and don’t offer a lot of important features. 


Healthcare is a multibillion-dollar industry with the potential for software to revolutionize it. Yet, a ton of developers fail to develop reliable applications only because they focus on the monetary aspect of development, which is why you need a reliable developer like Appfoster. Appfoster is one of India’s most progressive development companies. We put the client’s needs first and everything else second, which is why we are one of India’s top ten software development startup companies, and our healthcare development services speak for themselves. Contact us today to learn more about our app and web development services.