Reasons Why Website Responsiveness is Important for Your Business

Websites are the quickest and the most efficient gateway for connecting consumers with a business. A website is a fluid medium between the two entities and helps consumers mitigate their needs. Websites help resolve any confusion a common consumer might feel in their choices. Of course, this is only possible if you have a website that helps the user out as much as it can, and that starts with optimization. Factors like fluidity, responsiveness, interactivity, etc. make a website seem easier for the common consumer to navigate. Moreover, over 94% of people judge websites based on responsiveness. Even Google, the world’s largest search engine, prioritizes responsive websites.
What do you mean by a Responsive Website?
Responsiveness in websites refers to the quick and snappy reactivity of a website’s elements. Responsiveness depends on various factors. As opposed to static websites which look super outdated, responsive websites make the user experience more refined and fun by incorporating elements such that they interact with the user.
90% of all websites today are responsive, let’s dive in a little deeper to understand what factors come into play when making a website responsive:
- Optimization- Optimization accounts for most of a website’s responsiveness. There are a ton of elements in a website that can surely be made three-dimensional or graphical but will not look good if they are not optimized as per the website’s layout.
- Mobile optimization- According to Google, 72% of users prefer mobile-friendly websites, and 74% of mobile users revisit a well-optimized mobile website. More users visit mobile websites than there are who visit desktop websites, so naturally prioritizing your website to look and interact nicely with a user is the way to go.
- Elements- A website is nothing without elements, and most websites are entirely made up of several smaller elements rather than just one large block of elements grouped. Elements enable the use of layers which in turn can help with the use of CSS.
- Scalability- The ability of a website to adapt to different devices and screen sizes without resizing everything plays a significant role in making a website responsive.

Why Should I Make My Website Responsive?
A responsive website plays a huge role in user engagement. Smooth transitions, graphics, images, etc all play a huge role in refining a user’s experience. This helps generate more traffic for your website, more links being shared, and more overall user engagement for your business.
Here are five benefits of responsive website designing:
User Engagement
Responsive websites resulted in a 15% increase in unique clicks in mobile users. Responsive elements or all-in-all redesigning of a website can also contribute to over 100x return on investment. Users prefer a mobile-friendly website that can transition between sheets smoothly. Moreover, 94% of user impressions are related to design.
Efficient development
Responsive websites already created to suit both the user and the developer are much easier to upgrade and develop for newer content than websites with poor responsive design and optimization. Responsiveness and optimization go hand in hand so it’s a no-brainer that your website is bound to be just as efficient as it is responsive.
Cross-platform optimization
Responsive Websites are much easier to work with given their back-end logic is much simpler to tweak. Moreover, responsive websites are optimized to adapt to whatever display they’re being displayed on, whether it be mobile or desktop.
Quicker websites
Responsive websites have much lesser load times. Page speed is one of the most important factors for user experience, and responsive websites help load pages much faster by back-end optimization. This is more applicable to mobile websites as Google prioritizes mobile websites.
Lower bounce rate
Websites with responsive design guarantee a higher laser bounce rate. Bounce rate means the number of users who visit and immediately leave a website, and website responsiveness plays a huge role in reducing the bounce rate. 89% of users went to other businesses because of poor website UI design. Implementing simple technologies like continuous scrolling can lead to a 15% decrease in bounce rates.
As you can already guess, responsiveness is an important part of website design. Responsivity is crucial for a website as it influences essential aspects such as bounce rate, load time, and cross-platform optimization. It directly impacts UI impressions, user experience, and overall site smoothness. Over 84% of users prefer a clutter-free, responsive website.
There are very few companies that pay close attention to website responsiveness, and Appfoster is one of them. We believe in providing only the best services for all your web development needs. Website responsiveness is one of the things we pay close attention to for generating high user traffic. Contact us today to enquire about our web and app development services.